RTL for Luxembourg City (LU)
Pilot city No. 1
Climate change has become an increasing challenge also for people in Central Europe. In July 2019, 40.8 °C have been recorded in the targeted research area. The challenge for city planners will only get more challenging to mitigate the effects of climate change on people without air conditioning. The corresponding danger especially includes the night-time hours when minimum temperatures above 20 °C (the so-called “tropical nights”) will prevent many people from sleeping. Knowledge creation and the subsequent dissemination and knowledge transfer is thus crucial to raise awareness, which the Luxembourg Pilot will put emphasis on.
RTL Luxembourg is the leading media brand in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. RTL Radio, TV and RTL.lu have a daily reach of 58,4% of the population 15+ and 76,5% of the Luxembourgers 15+*. RTL.lu, the digital platform of RTL is reaching 35,8% of the population on an average day, making it the first media in Luxembourg, ahead of RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg (28,4%). RTL Luxembourg started with a Luxembourgish speaking radio programme in 1959. Today, the brand stands for objective, neutral and trustful news and information, with a public service mission in TV. RTL provides national, European and international news coverage, culture, sports, educational content and quality entertainment for the largest possible audience in Luxembourg. In 2020, 160 employees worked for the media brand, including technical, administrative staff and 80 journalists in the radio, TV and digital newsroom. The main language of RTL Luxembourg media is Luxembourgish, but French and English contents have been developed mostly on digital platforms
(rtltoday.lu and rtl5minutes.lu) over the last years to also deliver news to the other big language communities in Luxembourg.
Identifying possible challenges arising from climate change, as well as awareness and education around the climate change processes are crucial, especially for urban areas, as urban areas are usually warmer than rural areas (heat island effect). The current pilot addresses this through collecting data by installing observational fixed and mobile weather instruments and creating meaningful output data in form of statistical maps and live subjective maps made available to a broad audience. The Luxembourg City pilot will comprise the implementation of the advanced and updated UltraHD as a nest on the domain of Luxembourg City, including the greater Luxembourg City area (50x50 km) for the purpose of creating statistical output for dissemination to the broad public.